This year’s 64-page hard-backed book will include: A behind-the-scenes report of Neil’s book launch event. An in-depth interview with celebrated comedian and author and long-term PSB fan, David Walliams. The full unedited transcript of Chris Heath’s 1986 Smash Hits interview with Chris and Neil accompanied by a new commentary. A selection of photographs of Pet Shop Boys’ recent recording sessions with Stuart Price at the legendary Hansa studios in Berlin. Plus news and photographs, your letters answered, and more. The four-track CD of “Agenda", the new PSB EP, is packaged with this issue of “Annually”and is not available anywhere else..
PET SHOP BOYSのオフィシャル・サイト限定で
This year’s 64-page hard-backed book will include:
A behind-the-scenes report of Neil’s book launch event.
An in-depth interview with celebrated comedian and author and long-term PSB fan, David Walliams.
The full unedited transcript of Chris Heath’s 1986 Smash Hits interview with Chris and Neil accompanied by a new commentary.
A selection of photographs of Pet Shop Boys’ recent recording sessions with Stuart Price at the legendary Hansa studios in Berlin.
Plus news and photographs, your letters answered, and more.
The four-track CD of “Agenda", the new PSB EP, is packaged with this issue of “Annually”and is not available anywhere else..
新品未開封のため、中の 開封後、CDに傷があった場合等の返品・返金はお受けできません。
+ + + この商品説明は オークションプレートメーカー2 で作成しました + + +
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□PET SHOP BOYS - ANNUALLY 2019(ペット・ショップ・ボーイズ, “Agenda" CD付き, 新品, 完売 - CD
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15.雪の童子 サボテン 多肉植物 - 観葉植物